Jan. 17, 2017
Scripture of the day:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;...
2 Timothy 3:1-4
Selfishness has been on my mind today. It was difficult to find a scripture on selfishness so I resorted to self and came across the ones above. I felt it took all four verses to get the point. The scriptures don't speak too kindly of these actions of being lovers of self because every scripture I saw was as harsh as the one above.
Maybe I over think things too much or am unnecessarily harsh on myself but I think about my actions a lot and I check for selfishness. There is a line between preservation and being selfish and I think I struggle with that line.
In my thoughts this morning I remembered the phrase: "to cut off the nose to spite the face." I have always thought that a silly phrase and never really understood it until I thought about many people in our country who would love to see our president - elect fail and thus the country fail just to prove themselves correct rather than work to make changes. That seems very selfish to me.
I think selfishness manifests itself in many different ways. Anytime a person wants to put themselves above another person for their own glory or gain is being selfish. In the movie, Hidden Figures, the supervisor over the whole program made comment that for some reason they were not getting ahead of the Russians. He said he didn't think it was because we, Americans, were dumber or less committed but something was preventing it. As I sat there watching the movie my thought was "Racism, that is what is preventing the getting ahead." There were people who felt that it was beneath them to have a black person and a woman to boot be better at the skills they displayed. When the supervisor did his best to take away that stigma but making all the bathrooms available to all colors it was a step that helped the group surge forward. I know that for many the stigma was still there but it was no longer considered acceptable. So they had to keep their selfishness in check after that.
I have learned that over time we can make it go away in ourselves. I had an incident happen today to me that caused me to have to put aside some negative feelings I had. As I was studying my thoughts and feelings I realized I was being selfish to something I really had no right to. Once I realized that and I put aside my hurt or hard feelings and I felt better. I was able to be more relaxed.
If there is someone in my life that I have to work with or live near and I have a hard time being around them I try to put myself with that person because I have learned that the more I am around someone the more I learn about them and the more I become tolerant even learn to love that person. Sometimes I have prayed to see that person as the Lord sees them to help me. My life is so much better and I am so much more charitable when do these things.
I try to remind myself about Mary and Martha. Martha got a gentle rebuke from the Lord to allow Mary to have "that good part". So Mary got to hear the Saviour's words but Martha got to serve the Lord. Both would receive blessings. And if you read on the scriptures say that the Lord loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. I try to remind myself that today my part is to do this one thing and tomorrow it might be something different. Usually that brings me out of my revelry of self and I am thus better able to serve. Trying my best to be selfless instead of selfish is one of the goals I have in my life.