Isaiah 7:13
And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?I thought of this scripture because I am weary also. I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday. On Friday I get to rest from the work week and concentrate on my household. Because it is all on my timing I enjoy it and feel refreshed. Then I realized it was Wednesday. I was much disappointed. When I think of being wearied by men it is the constant sales calls and scams that I get on a daily basis despite being on a do not call list.
But to weary God, I think of our constant disobedience or constant queries or requests without showing gratitude. As a parent I know there were times when my children would weary me with the same things. We are not to make our prayers trite or repetitive but I am quick to thank for my blessings. I really am grateful for all I have. I also know that there are things I have been given or times I have been helped I am not aware of. I like to give thanks for those as well.
I had a similar incident yesterday. After work I kind of threw my backpack into the back seat. I got into the car and began to drive away. I was eager to get home as it had been a long day. I wanted to enjoy the fact that the roads were actually dry. But as I got to the end of the lane from my work I discovered my phone was not in the front with me. I pulled up my backpack and it was not in the side pocket I put it in. I was thinking "Oh rats, I can't find my phone. Did I leave it at the school?" I could not turn a ubie so I went to the next intersection after a long light (It seemed to last an eternity - all of 2-4 minutes.) I got to the parking lot of Culver's and got out to look in my car. I didn't see the phone anywhere so I drove back to work. I went inside and looked at the table where I had been sitting. Not there - I went back to the car again. This time I saw the phone peeking out from under something on the back seat. It must have shot out when I threw in the backpack. As I started for home it started to rain. With the cold weather here the roads are fast to freeze. So I started panicking a little because all these drivers were not slowing down and were following each other too closely. So I drove home tense. I was annoyed that if I had not "lost" my phone I could have been 2/3 the way home before the rain started. As I thought about it this morning a thought came to me. What if I had not lost my phone would have put me in the right place for an accident and the annoyance was really a blessing. It is one of those things I will never truly know. They say when we die we see a movie of sorts of our life but it is from the perspective of how our actions affect others. I hope that is true because I would really like to see out all our lives intertwine.
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