Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jan. 8, 2017
Scripture: Colossians3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

I stayed home from church today, sick again.  My jaw is sore from getting a filling on Friday but there are some other things happening like a sore throat and swollen parts on my head.

So I turned on the TV during church time and watched Music and the Spoken Word in two parts but KBYU tv also shows a sacrament meeting.  It is like in double time because it is only half hour.  It was quite dated as well.  It was a rebroadcast from some time in the past at around Thanksgiving.  The talks were on gratitude.  Hence the scripture of the day.  We should always count our blessings.  I always think of how so many people in this world have so much less.  I remember when I was a single mom with the three kids.  According to statistics we were below poverty but we never were homeless or completely without food.  We had a car and clean clothes and clean house.  In comparison to the rest of the world we were living like kings and queens.  I always thought of that when I think about a need we might have. 

At one point we had two bedrooms, in one of them we had a queen size mattress on the floor with actual beds in another bedroom.  I had the bed on the floor for me.  I was totally ok with it.  The kids had their own beds.  They were regular ones off the floor.  The owner was going to replace all the carpet in the apartment so some men from church came by and emptied the apartment into the back.  Once the carpet was replaced they came back and put it all back.  A bit inconvenient but it all happened in one day so I felt no biggie.  Well, one of the men that helped reported to my bishop that I was sleeping on the floor on the mattress.  He called me in and made arrangements to get me a "real" bed.  He asked me why I was ok with it.  My response was I was so aware of how so many in the world had it so much worse.  I felt who was I to ask for more.  I had carpet not a dirt floor.  I had food in my cupboards, a stove to cook it on and a fridge to keep it in.  I felt like I had what I needed so it never occurred to me ask for help.

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