2 Peter 2: 7 -10
7And delivered just Lot , vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:8(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
9The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations , and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness , and despise government . Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
I wish I had great eloquence to write but I lack that. I am however vexed as Lot was. I know I am not a righteous man, or woman for that matter. I have my sins.
That being said I will share my feelings tonight of the many posts I have seen of the women's march. I have learned through the years that we won't see the good women and men who marched for legitimate reasons but they are being far overshadowed by many. It seems that in their quest for women's rights those rights would also mean that they wish the right to be as vulgar as men have been and this is by the same women who say they are marching because of the vulgarity of Trump's actions many years ago.
Quite frankly I would rather march for respect for women than show a reason to be disrespected. I know what it is like to be prejudiced against. I have a bachelor's degree in history because the professors of my college felt that as a woman I didn't deserve the right to hold a mathematics degree. I applaud the women around me who did do what it took to earn such a degree but I had to put family first. I went on to get a master's degree in mathematics education instead.
I was indignant when my mother shared she had been told that they would not give her any more money as that was reserved for the men who needed to feed their families. My mom was single head of household and she was earning the money to feed, clothe and provide for her small family.
Instead of marching I taught my daughters to be independent and to make their own decisions. My daughters have relished as they have accomplished things like drywalling a garage or demolished a closet to make room for a washer, or to go build cabins for the less fortunate. But my daughters also know that it will be their job to be the nurturer of their children that they bare. They know that is a woman's role and it is NOT a diminished role. Women are the ones who teach, prepare and support the next generation. Yes, men can do it as well and many do. My daughters also know that isn't their only role. We know that we are to be equal partners in each of our roles. As women we are not to be ahead of men nor are we to be behind.
As women we cannot get a greater respect by degrading men or others but mostly we will never get a greater respect if we degrade ourselves.
I learned early on that how we present ourselves is a large part of how others see us. In high school I had the projection of being someone who did not drink or party. I didn't realize how many parties I was never invited to because of this image until I went to our class reunion and the people at my table shared stories. In fact in high school a young man saw me coming out of a bar and shared that with others and no one believed him. He was not known to be a liar but my image was well established. He was rather afraid when I confronted him about it. I simply asked him where he saw me. He had. My parents were alcoholics and liked to frequent bars. I was required to go with them. It was not uncommon for me to do my homework in such a place. One night when I had finished my homework and went to the car to replace my books with a book I was reading I was seen by this young man. I didn't drink for several reasons and none of them were because I was a prude. I had seen what alcohol did to my parents and I never wanted to give that much control to a substance. Second I really didn't like the taste of the stuff. It was also my rebellion to be good. My mom expected me to be otherwise.
Even today my image is established because my husband who is fully aware of the life I led as a youth forgets and lumps me with the group of members of my church who came from generations of solid church members.
For me while my mother drank I still respected her and the strength she did show. She too had her sins, you could say. But she also had her virtues. She always arrived at work on time and worked a full day plus some. She took responsibility seriously and that perhaps is why I was always with her when they went out. She was afraid to leave me home. Above all my mother did not lie. She felt dishonesty was the greatest of sins. If I did do something out of line but told the truth I got into far less trouble than if she caught me in a lie.
She would not have marched either. She chose to fight her battle on her own battlefront and make her own world a better place. Many might think this was a selfish act or a waste because it was not grander but it made an impression on me and I, in turn, shared this with my own daughters. I also hope that my son learned how to treat women with respect and to respect their opinions. I think it is perhaps the greatest good and legacy to start with our own families.
I apologize for my preaching tonight but I could not stand the vexation I have felt due the displays from the march on Sunday.
May you all have good night.
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